1. People will use your stuff. No matter how hard you carve your name in capitals into your plastic sieve, you will see it in the washing up pile every day whether you used it or not.
2. You should probably invest in Netflix. Ok, so I never actually invested in my own account, I just covertly used a friends... but still.
3. Don't live off freezer food. Although its quick and easy and cheap, your body will hate you for it.
4. Ear plugs could well be your best friend. On that one night when you've got an exam 9am the next morning, but your flatmate has decided its a perfect night for the flat party of the year. Yep.
5. Books are pricey. You need to decide quickly whether you're gonna spend that £200 on books, or spend the year renewing them from the library.
6. Contact-less cards should NOT be with you when under the influence of alcohol. "Yeah I'll have a drink, take my card, its contact-less" in drunk terms means "yes, buy yourself and everyone a round of tequila shots, i'll live off beans this week". I'm pretty sure my entire overdraft went on me being a very generous drunk.
7. Don't wear nice shoes on nights out. Permanent beer tide lines on your favorite shoes? Nice.
8. Buy a squeegee to de-steam your mirror and clean your shower. Yes, weird! but when you've got 20 minutes to have a shower and get ready for a lecture, ain't nobody got time to wait for your mirror to de-steam.
9. Join a society. You can't watch Netflix 24/7 so you need a hobby- a society gets you out of the flat, gives you a chance to make new friends and maybe even learn a sport or craft. This is the one thing on this list I didn't do and I massively regret it. Although I can now recite every word from every episode of FRIENDS.
10. The homesick struggle is real. Whether you'll notice it or not, you'll probably be missing home once all the fun has died down. Surround yourself with homely things and lovely people.
Ok so these 10 things summed up my first year in Uni.
Enjoy it!
Chloe x
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