Tuesday 25 August 2015

The Summer of a Lifetime...

Spontaneous is not a word anyone would use to describe me, so when I booked a one-way ticket to Cyprus 2 weeks before I was scheduled to fly, everyone around me was pretty shocked. But hey, im 19, skint and jumped at the chance of a summer of work, sunshine and spending time with my Dad who lives there. One shift into my amazing, life changing job and I was told they no longer needed extra staff. I'm in Cyprus with no job, no money and no idea how I was going to get home so what do I do? Convince my best friend to get a flight over and be my partner in crime for a few weeks!

First job, buy snorkels of course! We are both keen swimmers and went on the hunt for the perfect snorkelling spot, which we found on the beautiful coast of Ayia Napa. We went on a day trip to Turkey, went to the Ayia Napa Waterpark, drove up to the highest point of Cyprus to see the whole of the island below us, and of course went on a couple of nights out in Ayia Napa.

The moral of the blog? Whether things go to plan or not, make the most of what you have and enjoy every minute! I got to spend 6 weeks in sunny Cyprus with my Dad and my best friend, what more could I want? Best summer ever! 

Chloe, x

Sunday 23 August 2015

Moving House...

I've recently moved back to sunny Ormskirk after a summer at home and abroad with my family. I don't start university until the end of September but I couldn't wait to move in to the house and make it feel homely, spend some time with my lovely housemates before things get serious, and go on a mass hunt for a job! Its been a week of laughter, exploring, and piles of job applications!

This is my favorite part of my bedroom. My desk was already here, but adding a little mirror, all my make up and nik-naks, a (fake) plant and some sweet purple candles has made it personal. No doubt I'll have to move my make-up for a stack of textbooks in a few weeks but for now its a degree-free zone!


I also adore these two cushions I brought with me. I am a professional procrastinator when it comes to sleep, but having a cozy looking bed makes it slightly easier to give in and go to sleep. The one to the right is from card factory, and the left from George Asda; this one was a 'going away present' from my Mum who always tells me I'll grow into my dreams one day.

Very settled and very happy!

Chloe x

My First Blog Post...

So I've been wondering whether to get a blog for weeks but finally decided to take the plunge! I'm hoping this blog can be an outlet for me, my thoughts and everything I care about in my life. I'm not sure yet how many posts I'll do or if they'll even be any good but if anyone has the time or wants to read, this is the blog of a normal 19 year old student who's trying to find her place in the world.

Chloe x